Obediah, Sr. and Massilva Brooks Hooper
~ Family Tree ~

Submitted by:  Deanna Baumgardner

Obediah Hooper, Sr. born bet 1720-1726 in Hanover County, VA. died April 6, 1803 in Franklin County, GA.
married Massilva Brooks (Brookes) b. about 1723 in Hanover County, VA. died bef. July 16, 1800 Franklin County, GA.

I. Marulva "Mary" Hooper born abt. 1744 in Lunenburg, VA died 1849 Clarke County, GA

II. James Hooper born  October 25, 1746 Lunenburg, VA. died April 28, 1836 DeKalb Coynty, GA
III. Thomas Hooper born att. 1747 Lunenburg, VA died July 18, 1826 Greenville, SC

IV. William Hooper born 1749 Lunenburg, VA died August 20, 1826 Franklin County, GA

V. Obediah Hooper, Jr. born December 15, 1755 Lunenburg, VA died May 31, 1839 Pickens County, AL

VI. Richard Brooks Hooper born May 17, 1756 Lunenburg, VA died abt 1840 Banks County, GA

VII. John Hooper born abt 1760 Lunenburg, VA died aft 1818 Tuscaloose County, AL

VIII. Nancy Hooper born January 25, 1762 Lunenburg, VA died March 25, 1843 Greenville, SC

IX. Amelia Hurt Hooper born abt 1765 Lunenburg, VA died bef 1829 KY

X. Susanna Hooper born abt 1766 VA died Tuscaloosa County. AL

XI. Matthew Brooks Hooper born June 16, 1768 SC died October 19, 1845 Franklin County, GA

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