Mission Statement:

My intention is to provide a website that will be a "clearing house" for Hooper Genealogy Researchers.  A place to start your research, a place to make your home base, a place to link to other Hooper genealogy and history research sites and pages.  I am not intending to replace anyones work, but rather be a resource or connection to others sites and maybe fill gaps where there is something lacking.  I am hoping these pages will become useful tools in helping many branches of the Hooper Family make connections.  The first major focus will be to house the Hooper DNA Project with Wade Glascock, Project Manager.  Have fun and please don't hesitate to get in touch with me with your ideas, suggestions, corrections, contributions and links.  ~ Clay Hooper

Copyright Statement: ©

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the U.S. to the authors of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, architectural and certain intellectual works.  Material in the "Public Domain" is intellectual property that doesn't come under copyright law.  The first law on copyright was enacted in 1790 and followed up in 1976 incorporating the rules of International Copyright Law, extending protection for 50 years after an authors death.  In 1998, President Clinton extended that protection further to 70 years after the death of author or creator, called the "Sonny Bono Extension Act".  If something was written before the last 70 - 100 years, it is probably no longer protected by copyright law.  However, if you're uncertain, please feel free to ask.  We may not know either, but will make every effort to find out.

The copyright statement for this website, including all pages linked within is:

Materials on this page and linked webpages within this site are © 2002-2057 by Clay Hooper, those that have submitted materials, and those that have participated in the HOOPER DNA PROJECT. Family researchers and tax-exempt genealogical societies may freely link to these web pages and/or use the material personally, as described under copyright law. All for-profit reproduction of these electronic pages - in any format - by any other organization or persons is restricted by the author. All others desiring to use this material must obtain written consent of the copyright holder.

This means that anyone that has submitted material or participated in any way in the materials found on this website or it's linked pages - mutually - hold copyright protection for it's contents.  You do not have to be named specifically, as you are included when you are named as a contributor, submitter, participant.

Wade Glascock is the Hooper DNA Project Manager.  

Clay Hooper is the Hooper Connections website Owner and WebMaster. 

Clay Hooper

Wade Glascock

Materials on this page and linked webpages within this site are © 2002-2057 by Clay Hooper, those that have submitted materials, and those that have participated in the HOOPER DNA PROJECT. Family researchers and tax-exempt genealogical societies may freely link to these web pages and/or use the material personally, as described under copyright law. All for-profit reproduction of these electronic pages - in any format - by any other organization or persons is restricted by the author. All others desiring to use this material must obtain written consent of the copyright holder.