Kit # 7682 ~ Philip Hooper
Huntsville, AL
Earliest Known Ancestor:
Obediah Hooper, Sr (c.1720 - 1803)
Location: Hanover County, VA
Descendancy Chart:
Obediah Hooper, Sr (c.1720 - 1803) m. Massilva Brookes
Richard Brooks Hooper (1756 - 1839) m.
Elizabeth Adams Word
Obediah Hooper (1785 -
c. 1870) m. Phoebe Cleveland
Reuben Hooper (1818 - 1903) m. Polly Hunnicutt
John Hooper (1837 - unkown) m. Eliza Ann
(Hurston / Huckabee / or Bolton)
William J Hooper (1854 -
1935) m. Emmaline Taylor
Brewer Hooper (1895 - 1993) m. Audie Mae Humphries
James Floyd Hooper (1919 - 2003) m. Lorene
James Philip Hooper
(1946 - 2005) m. Patricia Tipton
Permission to share DNA results and Ancestry on file @ Hooper
Materials on this page
and linked webpages within this site are © 2002-2057 by Clay
Hooper, those that have submitted materials, and those
that have participated in the HOOPER DNA PROJECT. Family
researchers and tax-exempt genealogical societies may freely
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described under copyright law. All for-profit reproduction of
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