Kit # 15353 ~ Gary Hooper
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Earliest Known Ancestor: Joseph Hooper (c.
1690 - unknown)
Location: Stoke Dameral, Devon, England
Descendancy Chart:
Joseph Hooper (c. 1690 - unknown) m. Joan Hanse
Benjamin Hooper (1732 - unknown) m. 1st
Elizabeth Mattingly, 2nd Eleanor Hill
Thomas Hill Hooper (1766
- 1851) m. 1st Mary Batty, 2nd Margaret Bryant
John Hooper (c. 1799 - 1876) m. 1st Frances Grenside, 2nd
Margaret Hunt
Rev. John Hill Hooper (1825 - 1886) m. Anna
John Hill Grenside
Hooper (1870 - 1956) m. 1st Amelia Adams, 2nd Blanche
Edward Hooper (1904 - 1982) m. Pearl Evelyn Hodson
Henry Louis John Hooper (1931 - living) m.
Patricia Mildred (pvt)
Gary John Hooper (1958 -
Permission to share DNA results and Ancestry on file @ Hooper
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and linked webpages within this site are © 2002-2057 by Clay
Hooper, those that have submitted materials, and those
that have participated in the HOOPER DNA PROJECT. Family
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described under copyright law. All for-profit reproduction of
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